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Black YouTubers I Love-Different Categories

Jay M.

Hey everyone! Here's a list I tried not to go overboard with.

I pretty much need their content at this point. I love it when I see that they've uploaded something new, so I think I should put you on. You'll thank me later.

Also, as the title states: The Versatility is Versa-tiling With This List (you get me?)

Let's Talk Shows & Movies

  1. Toonrific Tariq

I have to start off by saying 2 things:

  1. No one has a better playlist/tracklist for their videos. No one. Also, he has the best theme song (yes, THEME SONG). Hands down.

  2. Maybe...don't watch his videos around people who may give you the eye for hearing a moan coming from your phone (though the vids aren't actually sexual, they can be dropped in when something happens that may come off as---you know what, you'd have to watch the videos to understand).

It's really cool to listen to someone review old shows and movies (Toonrific Tariq, if you're reading I love your Peanuts vids) like Braceface, King of the Hill, Class of 3000 etc. set to the best songs and beats ever and "UNIIIITY is what we neeeed." These videos are funny, interesting, typically on the longer side (30+ minutes), and he can be very insightful. I love it when people connect shows and themes to their real life. And to top it all off: he actually gets guests to speak on videos (friends, other creators, and people who've worked on the shows he discusses). I love how he goes above and beyond.

Theme song:

2. Tese x Christina

We love a great duo!

I love their personalities, even if I don't agree with their thoughts on a show/haven't seen the show their talking about *cough* Heartstopper *cough*...

They get into certain characters in shows ex. Lexi and how she most definitely isn't a good person (c'mon, she made a whole play about them and put their business on blast in front of everyone without their permission).

They rank shows. I love it when people rank shows so much. Like, I don't even watch the shows, I just watch people rank them.

And they're just funny and chill. #Realandwhatnot

3. Kennie J.D.

1 thing about me...I loooove "Bad Movies and a Beat" a series on her channel where she talks about bad movies while putting her makeup on, and wow do I watch a lot of her videos because the way my hands just knew how to type out the tagline without thinking about it, or looking it up...scary innit? Literally, had to stop myself from writing what she says completely because I think that's like illegal or something.

Anywho, she is hilarious and I love hearing her take on the most outrageous movies. It truly feels like she's just on Facetime with me. Like, I'll put on her video while I'm getting ready for my day, or when I'm unwinding/cooking, and I start talking back to her as if she can hear me. Her: Why would she do that? Me: That's what I just asked! Like, cmon now.

Side note: I've been seeing her ads so much, and I'm not mad at it.

She also talks about stuff that she likes. She doesn't just hate watch movies.

4. ImuRgency

So, I almost wrote his intro too. I watch too much YouTube. But, I will not stop because I need to listen to his "honest show reviews and pop culture commentary."

I love that he talks about shows as soon as they come out and he talks a lot about issues within the shows (ex. friends to lovers trope harming the dating scene, and why throuples are cool to see...but the way certain shows have touched on them=harmful at times) and hollywood in general ("What's Hollywood's Obsession With Lightskinned Actors"). I am here for the honesty, and the different topics he isn't afraid to cover.

Let's Talk Books

  1. Mina Reads

I find it funny how we're not really alike when it comes to what we like to read (Mina opts for more fantasy & smut), but I'm always the first to view Mina's videos because they just feel "comfortable" like a comfort book. Am I making any sense?

I like YouTubers/BookTubers who can get me out of my comfort zone a bit. I have picked up more books than I would've without Mina's recss/help.

Also, we love a booktuber/instabook---what are the people called who posts about books on Instagram? Bookgrammer?

Okay, so Mina makes videos that are comfy.

side note: I also love Mina's videos because I get sapphic recs, love the pacing, and can follow along because of the speaking speed.

2. FictionalFates

Again, we may not have the same idea of a "good time" when it comes to books, but I love this YouTuber's content and personality enough to watch without an issue.

He doesn't just talk books, but that's what we're focusing on right now.

Lover of his videos because they're well edited, I mean he does dabble in most genres, so I guess we're not too different (though I mainly stick to contemp. lit.), and he just seems very kind and interesting!

My favorite thing: the different types of videos (ex. anticipated reads, bookshelf rating, building a home library). Very fresh and engaging.

Let's Talk Big Topics...mommy I'm scared

1. Fab Socialism

Fab Socialism is where you go when you need to be a bit thinky, but also a bit nosey. It's where you go to hear Teanna give you juicy details on a scammer and connect that to how this country works/how people work. It can change your mindset if you're not already in agreement that you have to stop looking at the surface, and see the root of the problem.

Creative, entertaining, and educational...mmm love it love it love it. I wanted to go on a mini rant, but I think just checking out her description and videos will really help you understand why I think this channel is a gem.

"It's not hypocritical to critique Capitalism while participating in it...We are forced to participate in order to survive"-Teanna's intro

Who else is putting on a wig, getting a gavel and taking people to Scammer Court?

She's not afraid to talk about your faves and shed a light on how they're actually rocking with a system that's against the greater good and you don't know, or care because you're too busy just listening to their songs/supporting their hustle. Beyoncé is a billionaire babes, and some companies have had some rough rough rough journeys. This channel helps you think about why we can't just be happy that a Black person became a billionaire, or why matter who it's bad.

Also, Teanna adds tone indicators. And that really makes me happy.

side note: I feel a bit smarter every time I watch a video. Thanks Teanna.

Okay, alright alright. I'll wrap this up here due to it getting a tad longer than I expected. I'll have to do a part 2 for the home life, music & exercise people.

Thank you very much readers. Thank you very much YouTubers.

If you've been wanting to share your thoughts and loves on YouTube...GO FOR IT.

"Thank you so much Jay." "No problem."




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